"Oniya Udun" is a galactic inspired high vibration art collage, made originally from Japanese washi chiyogami paper.
This is an 8āx12ā high quality digital file created from the original handmade artwork entitled "Oniya Udun". This high vibration and high frequency art, was inspired by the Oniya Udun, a pacifist nation of reptiloids that don't care to become a military power but use space faring for trade and wealth expansion, as members of the Nataru Guild of Merchants and the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Oniya Udun live on planet Oniya, orbiting the Sarat Asuk star system (Kepler 2-72) situated in the Aquarius constellation. Discover much more information in this sourceĀ p. 74.Ā
āØDisclaimer: I'm not sponsored and receive no commission from Elena Danaan. I share this information because it is crucial for all Terrans.
What is the source of inspiration for these galactic inspired high vibration art collages of Japanese washi chiyogami paper?
Through the inner journey of self-rediscovery of the last few years, I realized through an inner knowing, that as a starseed, my soul matrix, and that of the Mella collective first incarnated on planet Thails in the Altean star system of the NGC 7331 galaxy, and we consist of a cluster of souls (including my twin flameĀ named Eriel) that incarnate and support each other in successive (or parallel) incarnations throughout different galactic worlds, including the Lyran K62 Man system and the Manahu (Pleiades). We share a collective consciousness (not a hive consciousness), in which we connect by a quantum heart and soul connection or telepathic connection, which is not invasive channeling.
The Mella collective is of high frequency and always offers invitations to see things from a different perspective in all kindness, benevolence, humor, simplicity and high vibrations. They also contribute to and inspire my creative work, such asĀ my travel photographyĀ and Japanese washi paper art collages, all my creative endeavors and intuitive transmissionsĀ or communications.
Over the last four years, I have discovered and have been supporting the work of people like Alex Collier, Michael Salla, Elena Danaan, Jean-Charles Moyen, MĆ©lanie Charest, JPĀ US army insider, Tony Rodrigues, Mark Domizio, Niara Terela Isley, Dan Willis, Dani Henderson, Corina Pataki, Stephen Chua, Jerry Wills, Dan Winter, Chris Essone and Dave RossiĀ and I feel their crucial information is important to share with the world.
So not only the Mella collective participates in inspiring me galactic high frequencies, I share through my art and transmissions, but I have also obtained the kind permission of the author of Encyclopedia Galactica, to entitle a series of my collage artworks with the names of different galactic star nations, planets and stars, as well as words in the Taami and Anakh languages that she shares about, providing references to her work.
Being an intuitive artist, l thus feel it is a joyful and inspirational project, to share this rich information, in my humble creative way, by helping Terrans know more about their galactic brothers and sisters, as times of global disclosure arise. Furthermore, perhaps this high vibration art and high frequential words might help starseeds remember who they really are and recover their memories and sovereignty.
"Maa" is a galactic inspired high vibration art collage, made originally from Japanese washi chiyogami paper.
This is an 8āx12ā high quality digital file created from the original handmade artwork entitled "Maa". This high vibration and high frequency art, was inspired by the word Maa, which in the "Taami" language, means "love". Taami is the ancient Man dialect from the Mana star system (K62 in the Lyra constellation) which is where the first humans were seeded in our galaxy Nataru (Milky Way). Taami is also the official language of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Want to offer love to your close ones? "Amaali" is how you say "I love you" to a female. "Amaalu" is how you say "I love you" to a male. Discover much more information in this sourceĀ p. 250
āØDisclaimer: I'm not sponsored and receive no commission from Elena Danaan. I share this information because it is crucial for all Terrans.
What is the source of inspiration for these galactic inspired high vibration art collages of Japanese washi chiyogami paper?
Through the inner journey of self-rediscovery of the last few years, I realized through an inner knowing, that as a starseed, my soul matrix, and that of the Mella collective first incarnated on planet Thails in the Altean star system of the NGC 7331 galaxy, and we consist of a cluster of souls (including my twin flameĀ named Eriel) that incarnate and support each other in successive (or parallel) incarnations throughout different galactic worlds, including the Lyran K62 Man system and the Manahu (Pleiades). We share a collective consciousness (not a hive consciousness), in which we connect by a quantum heart and soul connection or telepathic connection, which is not invasive channeling.
The Mella collective is of high frequency and always offers invitations to see things from a different perspective in all kindness, benevolence, humor, simplicity and high vibrations. They also contribute to and inspire my creative work, such asĀ my travel photographyĀ and Japanese washi paper art collages, all my creative endeavors and intuitive transmissionsĀ or communications.
Over the last four years, I have discovered and have been supporting the work of people like Alex Collier, Michael Salla, Elena Danaan, Jean-Charles Moyen, MĆ©lanie Charest, JPĀ US army insider, Tony Rodrigues, Mark Domizio, Niara Terela Isley, Dan Willis, Dani Henderson, Corina Pataki, Stephen Chua, Jerry Wills, Dan Winter, Chris Essone and Dave RossiĀ and I feel their crucial information is important to share with the world.
So not only the Mella collective participates in inspiring me galactic high frequencies, I share through my art and transmissions, but I have also obtained the kind permission of the author of Encyclopedia Galactica, to entitle a series of my collage artworks with the names of different galactic star nations, planets and stars, as well as words in the Taami and Anakh languages that she shares about, providing references to her work.
Being an intuitive artist, l thus feel it is a joyful and inspirational project, to share this rich information, in my humble creative way, by helping Terrans know more about their galactic brothers and sisters, as times of global disclosure arise. Furthermore, perhaps this high vibration art and high frequential words might help starseeds remember who they really are and recover their memories and sovereignty.
"Orow" is a galactic inspired high vibration art collage, made originally from Japanese washi chiyogami paper.
This is an 8āx12ā high quality digital file created from the original handmade artwork entitled "Orow". This high vibration and high frequency art, was inspired by the Orow, a humanoid 6th density people who use holographic technology as a form of jewelry to adorn their bodies in ethereal, iridescent colors and shapes that change depending on the angle of perception. The Orow live on planet Nurayat, orbiting the Dondagat star system (Kepler 2-138) situated in the Aquarius constellation. Discover much more information in this sourceĀ p. 72.Ā
āØDisclaimer: I'm not sponsored and receive no commission from Elena Danaan. I share this information because it is crucial for all Terrans.
What is the source of inspiration for these galactic inspired high vibration art collages of Japanese washi chiyogami paper?
Through the inner journey of self-rediscovery of the last few years, I realized through an inner knowing, that as a starseed, my soul matrix, and that of the Mella collective first incarnated on planet Thails in the Altean star system of the NGC 7331 galaxy, and we consist of a cluster of souls (including my twin flameĀ named Eriel) that incarnate and support each other in successive (or parallel) incarnations throughout different galactic worlds, including the Lyran K62 Man system and the Manahu (Pleiades). We share a collective consciousness (not a hive consciousness), in which we connect by a quantum heart and soul connection or telepathic connection, which is not invasive channeling.
The Mella collective is of high frequency and always offers invitations to see things from a different perspective in all kindness, benevolence, humor, simplicity and high vibrations. They also contribute to and inspire my creative work, such asĀ my travel photographyĀ and Japanese washi paper art collages, all my creative endeavors and intuitive transmissionsĀ or communications.
Over the last four years, I have discovered and have been supporting the work of people like Alex Collier, Michael Salla, Elena Danaan, Jean-Charles Moyen, MĆ©lanie Charest, JPĀ US army insider, Tony Rodrigues, Mark Domizio, Niara Terela Isley, Dan Willis, Dani Henderson, Corina Pataki, Stephen Chua, Jerry Wills, Dan Winter, Chris Essone and Dave RossiĀ and I feel their crucial information is important to share with the world.
So not only the Mella collective participates in inspiring me galactic high frequencies, I share through my art and transmissions, but I have also obtained the kind permission of the author of Encyclopedia Galactica, to entitle a series of my collage artworks with the names of different galactic star nations, planets and stars, as well as words in the Taami and Anakh languages that she shares about, providing references to her work.
Being an intuitive artist, l thus feel it is a joyful and inspirational project, to share this rich information, in my humble creative way, by helping Terrans know more about their galactic brothers and sisters, as times of global disclosure arise. Furthermore, perhaps this high vibration art and high frequential words might help starseeds remember who they really are and recover their memories and sovereignty.