In this video interview on the "Manifesting a positive reality on Terra" series, Vicky, who has been on our channel a few times, shares today about her more personal experiences as a child with trauma and as a young adult, being a carer for a parent with Alzheimer's disease.
Throughout her life journey, Vicky has chosen the path of resilience and it has also been part of her journey through the different hurricanes she and her family had to endure in Florida over the last few years. Her practice of Japanese Buddhism, as a philosophy and way of life, has been of great support in her resilient journey.
Discover her YouTube channel and previous interviews I had with her: 👉Vicky's YouTube channel:
👉Vicky: Going within and rediscovering who we are :
👉Fear and the journey back to love:
👉Addressing PTSD, military & veteran disclosure:
👉Awakening story and journey through Buddhism:
👉Ahil common memories and corroborations part 1 | Galactic & Terran connections discussion:
👉Altean common memories and corroborations part 2 | Galactic & Terran connections discussion:
Why this series of interviews?
In these starseed mission series of interviews, I wished to have starseeds and earthseeds come on my YouTube channel (The grounded starseeds) and talk about the concrete tangible ways in which they wish to participate in manifesting a positive reality or outcome on Terra (our planet Earth). Terra has been enslaved for millennia by regressive forces including the Deep State, however things are rapidly changing now, and it is the role of all Terrans (Terrahu) that we are, to aim towards more positive 5D endeavors.
The purpose of these interviews, was also to have a series of benevolent and high vibration or high frequency exchanges with people who have at heart to dream a new Terra and make their plans concrete and tangible to participate in the elaboration and manifestation of a new reality on Terra and positive contacts with our galactic brothers and sisters, which we will be meeting soon in first "official" civil contact, although we have been in contact with them for millennia now. How can we collaborate also with them and people from the Agarthan inner-Earth?
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(Texte en français plus bas)
🇺🇸 In this interview in French, Cyane shares about her life experiences and the challenges she faced as a child, which she was able to overcome to find her own path and voice. Having transcended the position of victim, she is now an aligned woman of great authenticity and wisdom. Cyane is a highly intuitive being who sees many things, which helps her in her life and practice. On her YouTube channel, she shares her lucid and original view of what she perceives and experiences.
👉Cyane's website and practice:
👉Cyane's YouTube channel:
_____________________________________ 🇫🇷 Dans cette entrevue en français, Cyane nous partage ses expériences de vie et les défis qu'elle a vécu dans l'enfance et qu'elle a su transmuté afin de trouver sa propre voie/voix. Ayant transcendé la position de victime, elle est aujourd'hui une femme alignée, d'une grande authenticité et d'une belle sagesse. Cyane, est un être très intuitif qui voit beaucoup de choses, ce qui l'aide dans sa vie et sa pratique. Sur sa chaîne YouTube, elle partage son regard lucide et original sur ce qu'elle perçoit et ce qu'elle vit.
👉Site web et pratique de Cyane: 👉Chaîne YouTube de Cyane:
Why this series of interviews?
In these starseed mission series of interviews, I wished to have starseeds and earthseeds come on my YouTube channel (The grounded starseeds) and talk about the concrete tangible ways in which they wish to participate in manifesting a positive reality or outcome on Terra (our planet Earth). Terra has been enslaved for millennia by regressive forces including the Deep State, however things are rapidly changing now, and it is the role of all Terrans (Terrahu) that we are, to aim towards more positive 5D endeavors.
The purpose of these interviews, was also to have a series of benevolent and high vibration or high frequency exchanges with people who have at heart to dream a new Terra and make their plans concrete and tangible to participate in the elaboration and manifestation of a new reality on Terra and positive contacts with our galactic brothers and sisters, which we will be meeting soon in first "official" civil contact, although we have been in contact with them for millennia now. How can we collaborate also with them and people from the Agarthan inner-Earth?
Why I support certain speakers and groups about galactic disclosure?
Over the last four years, I have discovered and have been supporting the work of people like Alex Collier, Michael Salla, Elena Danaan, Jean-Charles Moyen, Mélanie Charest, JP US army insider, Tony Rodrigues, Mark Domizio, Niara Terela Isley, Dan Willis, Dani Henderson, Corina Pataki, Stephen Chua, Jerry Wills, Dan Winter, Chris Essone and Dave Rossi and I feel their crucial information is important to share with the world.
On a more personal level, through my intuitive inner journey of self-rediscovery of the last few years, I realized that I am a starseed, with an Altean soul matrix. I am part of a collective consciousness named the Mella collective, which constitutes my soul cluster.
The Mella collective, which includes my twin flame named Eriel, is of high frequency and always offers invitations to see things from a different perspective, in all kindness, benevolence, humor, simplicity and high vibrations.
It also inspires my creative work, such as my writing, travel photography, ink drawings, Japanese washi chiyogami paper art collages, as well as my harmonizing endeavors, Creative Intuitive Transmissions (CIT) and inner guidance communications.
So these series of videos aim at supporting the work of other starseeds and courageous disclosure speakers, as well as the groups and conferences that we are part of in the galactic disclosure community. These include the Galactic and Spiritual Informers Connection conference organized by Dani Henderson and the Rencontres Galactiques organized by Chris Essonne and Agnes Leray. To access and join the galactic groups you are invited to contact Disco Tina on Telegram here:
In this video interview on the "Manifesting a positive reality on Terra" series, Susie shares more information about her practice of acupressure and discusses the crucial notion of the practitioner being a facilitator of self-healing for the patient rather than a healer per se. This self-empowerment of the client is paramount!
She also discusses the important role of acupressure as a way to transmute trauma in the body in a more direct way than other more mind-oriented or word-oriented modalities, which are important as well, but often work in a different and less direct fashion. She also mentions how this modality sometimes facilitates the recovery of some memories by patients, although it is not the primary goal.
I have interviewed Susie previously on my channel, where she has shared about her practice but also about her galactic connections and memories with the Ahil, not from the Manahu (Pleiades) but from the Mana star system (K62 star system of the "Lyran constellation") :
👉Acupressure, healing mission & Ahil Lyran:
👉Discussing acupressure as a support to the collective:
👉Susie’s Telegram channel "Sacred Source Angelic Healing":
👉Susie’s Facebook page" Sacred Source Angelic Healing":
Why this series of interviews?
In these starseed mission series of interviews, I wished to have starseeds and earthseeds come on my YouTube channel (The grounded starseeds) and talk about the concrete tangible ways in which they wish to participate in manifesting a positive reality or outcome on Terra (our planet Earth). Terra has been enslaved for millennia by regressive forces including the Deep State, however things are rapidly changing now, and it is the role of all Terrans (Terrahu) that we are, to aim towards more positive 5D endeavors.
The purpose of these interviews, was also to have a series of benevolent and high vibration or high frequency exchanges with people who have at heart to dream a new Terra and make their plans concrete and tangible to participate in the elaboration and manifestation of a new reality on Terra and positive contacts with our galactic brothers and sisters, which we will be meeting soon in first "official" civil contact, although we have been in contact with them for millennia now. How can we collaborate also with them and people from the Agarthan inner-Earth?