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​​​I'm a French-Canadian living in Montreal and was raised in Quebec, Peru, Chad, Cameroon and Mexico, as the daughter of international development volunteer workers. These rich experiences offered me the opportunity to explore cultural, social, religious and linguistic diversity on Terra and develop a passion for world mythology, ethnology, art, iconography and archaeology.

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After a professional training in classical ballet and visual arts, I quenched my great curiosity about ancient cultures and art through the completion of a B.Sc. in anthropology, a minor in Classical studies, a Masters thesis and a doctorate in anthropology with a specialization in archaeology and iconography of ancient Egyptian art. I have also studied some archival and library sciences.

Since 2011, I've returned to my creative iconographical practice as Mokusho to harmonize meaning, words, colors, patterns and shapes in the creation of ink drawings, Japanese washi chiyogami paper collage creation, digital photography and creative writing. All my intuitive art creations are deeply influenced by my inner spiritual journey, engagement in mindfulness, and fascination for all things galactic, since I'm an Altean starseed.


Creating harmony within me and around me has always been at the core of who I am and do. Thus, my creative practice, harmonizes, beautifies and bring high vibes to peoples' lives and environments through the artwork.

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Janus - 564 pxls raw .png
Ice-blue, Montreal - 564 pxls raw - 8x12h.png
2024-11-23 My Altean connection memories June 25th 2024 Galactic & Terran connection memor
2024-09-24 Take one thing at a time Creative Intuitive Transmission High vibration art .pn
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2024-10-11 Corinne bienveillance et présence pour le vivant Manifester un réalité positive
2024-03-08 Galactic inspired high vibration art as digital files The grounded starsee.png

My YouTube channel "The grounded starseeds" is where I have the honor of hosting people of the galactic disclosure community who share about their recovered galactic memories and their practices and life journeys to help manifest a more positive reality on Terra.

I also share on this YouTube channel, on a weekly base, Creative Intuitive Transmissions (CIT) that offer an intuitive message accompanied by a Japanese washi chiyogami paper collage creation, to ground the vibrations of the message in iconography.

Finally, my channel is also a place where I share some of my galactic memories, that are excerpts of the books I'm working on, that discuss my galactic memories and connections to Alteans, Man system: Manahu Errahil, Taali and other star nations and galactic places.

On a voluntary basis, I have also designed, and now compile and maintain on a daily basis, an electronic index of all of Elena Danaan's information in order to make easily accessible to all, the rich corpus of information she is courageously offering to the Terrahu (human Terrans), with thousands of hours of voluntary work on her part since 2019.

Indeed, "Elena Danaan's galactic and Terran index" references all the sources of information shared by the official emissary of the Oraa Nataru Shari (Galactic Federation of Worlds): books, website, articles, interstellar contacts transcripts and descriptions, workshops, webinars, YouTube channels with Star Nation News videos and much more.

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Elena Danaan’s galactic & Terran index - ET.png

Photos & illustrations by ©Elena Danaan

Abigaëlle Richard

Montreal, Qc., Canada

  • Telegram
  • Youtube

©Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard, 2015

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