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Elena Danaan: divulgation galactique, contacts physiques et connexions du cœur | Galactic & Terran connections interview

Elena Danaan: divulgation galactique, contacts physiques et connexions du cœur | Galactic & Terran connections interview. Video from the YouTube channel "The grounded starseeds" by Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard
Elena Danaan: divulgation galactique, contacts physiques et connexions du cœur | Galactic & Terran connections interview. Video from the YouTube channel "The grounded starseeds" by Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard

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(🇫🇷 Texte en français plus bas)

In this interview in French with accurate English subtitles, Elena Danaan offers some really crucial distinctions between the different groups involved in galactic disclosure and in the spiritual sphere.

She also discusses the difference between the information brought forward by contactees that have direct physical contacts with ETs and crypto-terrestrials, which implies having direct, physical and corroborating proofs, versus other starseeds which are not physical contactees per se, but that are also encouraged to share their journey, however in different (and less official) contexts (with less or no expectations of proofs involved), since it consists of telepathic or heart connexion with one's own soul, soul matrix and soul cluster. Finally Elena, presents the great risks and confusion associated with "channeling".

👉Elena's English YouTube channel 

👉Elena's webinars

👉Elena's website

👉Elena's books 

*********************************** 🇫🇷 Dans cette entrevue en français sous-titrée adéquatement en anglais, Elena Danaan fait des distinctions cruciales entre les différents groupes impliqués dans la divulgation galactique et dans la sphère spirituelle.

Elle discute également de la différence entre les informations apportées par les contactés qui ont des contacts physiques directs avec les ET et les crypto-terrestres, ce qui implique d'avoir des preuves directes, physiques et corroborantes, versus les autres starseeds qui ne sont pas des contactés physiques en soi, mais qui sont également encouragés à partager leur cheminement, cependant dans des contextes différents (et moins officiels) (avec moins ou pas d'attentes de preuves), puisqu'il s'agit d'une connexion télépathique ou du cœur avec notre propre âme, sa matrice d'âme et notre groupe d'âmes.

Enfin, Elena présente les grands risques et la confusion associés à la « canalisation ».

👉Chaîne Youtube en français d'Elena:

👉Chaîne YouTube en anglais d'Elena:

👉Webinaires d'Elena:

👉Site web d'Elena:

👉Livres d'Elena en français et en anglais:

Why I support certain speakers and groups about galactic disclosure?

Over the last four years, I have discovered and have been supporting the work of people like Alex Collier, Michael Salla, Elena Danaan, Jean-Charles Moyen, Mélanie Charest, JP US army insider, Tony Rodrigues, Mark Domizio, Niara Terela Isley, Dan Willis, Dani Henderson, Corina Pataki, Stephen Chua, Jerry Wills, Dan Winter, Chris Essone and Dave Rossi and I feel their crucial information is important to share with the world.

On a more personal level, through my intuitive inner journey of self-rediscovery of the last few years, I realized that I am a starseed, with an Altean soul matrix. I am part of a collective consciousness named the Mella collective, which constitutes my soul cluster.

The Mella collective, which includes my twin flame named Eriel, is of high frequency and always offers invitations to see things from a different perspective, in all kindness, benevolence, humor, simplicity and high vibrations.

So these series of videos aim at supporting the work of other starseeds and courageous disclosure speakers, as well as the groups and conferences that we are part of in the galactic disclosure community. These include the Galactic and Spiritual Informers Connection conference organized by Dani Henderson and the Rencontres Galactiques organized by Chris Essonne and Agnes Leray. To access and join the galactic groups you are invited to contact Disco Tina on Telegram here:

©Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard, 2015

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