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Joana: life journey and "Inanna's Secret" |Manifesting a positive reality on Terra

Joana: life journey and "Inanna's Secret" | Manifesting a positive reality on Terra. Video from the YouTube channel "The grounded starseeds" by Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard
Joana: life journey and "Inanna's Secret" | Manifesting a positive reality on Terra. Video from the YouTube channel "The grounded starseeds" by Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard

In this interview, Joana, who is a very curious woman, that has lived both in Ireland and now Portugal, shares about her journey and her practice. She is a self-entrepreneur for high quality natural skin care products and has established her own brand: "Kementári". Joana trained in ancient history, archaeology and museum studies and this fascination has brought her to create a beautiful skin care product called "Inanna's Secret". This cream, is based on a recipe, (which includes mono-atomic gold) which was shared by lady Inanna, a princess of the positive faction of the Anunnaki. This information was relayed by Elena Danaan, emissary of the Galactic Federation of World, who also has physical contacts with Enki or Prince Ea on the Nibiru ship. Elena has kindly supported Joana in the creation of her wonderful product.

By offering to Terrans this beautiful skincare product and recipe, Joana, contributes, in her own beautiful and creative way, to the disclosure of galactic information. She brings her piece of the puzzle through her own unique multidisciplinary journey and great curiosity.

👉Discover "Inanaa's Secret" and Joana's brand "Kementári" at:

Why this series of interviews?

In these starseed mission series of interviews, I wished to have starseeds and earthseeds come on my YouTube channel (The grounded starseeds) and talk about the concrete tangible ways in which they wish to participate in manifesting a positive reality or outcome on Terra (our planet Earth). Terra has been enslaved for millennia by regressive forces including the Deep State, however things are rapidly changing now, and it is the role of all Terrans (Terrahu) that we are, to aim towards more positive 5D endeavors.

The purpose of these interviews, was also to have a series of benevolent and high vibration or high frequency exchanges with people who have at heart to dream a new Terra and make their plans concrete and tangible to participate in the elaboration and manifestation of a new reality on Terra and positive contacts with our galactic brothers and sisters, which we will be meeting soon in first "official" civil contact, although we have been in contact with them for millennia now. How can we collaborate also with them and people from the Agarthan inner-Earth?

©Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard, 2015

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