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"Recognition" Inner guidance communication and animal photography. High vibration art

"Recognition" Inner guidance communication and animal photography. High vibration art and words. Video from the YouTube channel "The grounded starseeds" by Mokusho Abigaëlle
"Recognition" Inner guidance communication and animal photography. High vibration art and words. Video from the YouTube channel "The grounded starseeds" by Mokusho Abigaëlle

"Recognition" (Montreal) digital file of animal photography. High vibration art by Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard
"Recognition" (Montreal) digital file of animal photography. High vibration art by Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard

This inner guidance communication was illustrated with animal photography, which consists of high vibration art. I shot this photograph in 2021 in Montreal where city squirrels are as abundant and "common" as pigeons, and are considered by many like "city rats" that serve no purpose. I see them as the unsung heroes of survival and resilience, with scruffy tales and tender eyes which translate their vulnerability in an unforgiving Nordic climate and human environment. One day, as I was doing my daily walk with my brain going at 300 miles an hour thinking about the money I did not have, the travels I was not making during the plandemics, the absent loved one, etc, etc. Than, this little guy appeared, with his unguarded kind eyes, shivering body he just stared at me in silence. He touched my heart and reminded me that we take so much for granted, without gratitude for what we have, focusing on what we don't have. There he was reminding me that I had a roof over my head, food on the table and nature as a reminder of the generosity of Source Imana.

In this inner guidance communication of high vibration words, the Mella collective, of which I am a part of, shared a message or transmission through my higher self, which consisted in the following invitation:

"Dear beautiful souls, sometimes in your lives, you are in a place of lacking. You lack this, you lack that. You miss this, you miss that. We understand this position, which is the result of a certain program or mind patterns that were somehow imposed on you, but you have also perhaps sometimes encouraged and nourished  in your everyday life. 

Sometimes you wonder, why am I not connected to Source Imana? Why am I missing this? Am I missing that? Why do I feel empty? Why do I feel "I am missing"? And that can be a very sad and difficult moment, a downward spiral in which you encounter only lacking, and lacking and missing. 

We would like to offer a simple, very simple tip. A reminder perhaps, because many of you know already of this. When you feel you are lacking, when you feel you are missing, we invite you to connect in gratitude to all that you are, to all that you have, and to all that you are connected with. When the pain is intense and you feel yourself trapped in a dark moment, we invite you to simply focus on this word: "thank you" or "gratitude". Identify within your life, within yourself, all these beautiful, rich things that you are and that you have in your life. They will get you out of this misery, they will get you out of this hole sometimes you dig yourself into: lacking this, lacking that, missing this, missing that. 

Dear beautiful souls, when you focus your attention and your gratitude on all that you have, all that you are. On the richness of everything in you and around you, then you become Source. You become this energy you feel separated from, isolated from, because you are Source, you are a fractal of Source Imana. You are Her, She is you, and by remembering all that you are in that way and being grateful for all that She provides and all that you have and do, and are, then you're rich again. And joy, the state of joy, can emerge and enlighten your life and your reality again. You are so loved...

We are the Mela collective and we invite you to offer gratitude at every possible moment in your life and you will see, your life will change radically."

What inspires these communications and my color and black & white travel photography?

Due to my professionnel training in visual arts and iconography of ancient art, and having grown up in different cultures, I have developed a strong passion for capturing atmospheres, architecture, landscapes and textures.

Through my intuitive inner journey of self-rediscovery of the last few years, I realized that I am a starseed, with an Altean soul matrix. I am part of a collective consciousness named the Mella collective, which constitutes my soul cluster.

The Mella collective, which includes my twin flame named Eriel, is of high frequency and always offers invitations to see things from a different perspective, in all kindness, benevolence, humor, simplicity and high vibrations.

The high vibrations they imbue in the art I create are made available on my online art shop, both in the original unique artwork and the high-quality digital files, to ground visually these high frequencies in your very own sacred space.

"Recognition" (Montreal) digital file of animal photography. High vibration art by Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard
"Recognition" (Montreal) digital file of animal photography. High vibration art by Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard

🎨Bring the high frequencies of a high quality digital file of "Recognition", to your own sacred space.

©Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard, 2015

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